Rebo Pungkasan Ceremony

Rebo Pungkasan Ceremony

1) Background and Components Ceremony

Rebo ceremony ceremonial Wekasan is located in the Village Wonokromo, Sub. Plered, Bantui District, Yogyakarta Province. With the provincial capital, the village is located 10 km to the south. The village is divided into 12 villages, the hamlet Wonokromo I, Wonokromo II, KARANGANOM, Ketanggajati, Sarean, I lined, lined II, Brajan, Pandes I, Pandes II, and Demangan Kapen.

Wonokromo village has an area of 21.34 km2 with a population amounting to 9150 million and 2367 Head of family there. By looking at the data density means the average 2108 million km2 and the average amount of 3.87 people / families, and population of 9150 inhabitants, mostly Muslim and there are a small portion of the Catholic religion, Christianity, Hinduism , and Buddha. Regarding worship facility can be said almost every RW has a mosque or broken and in this region famous for its regional santri.Menurut Morrow (1996: 28), 75% and the population has Wonokromo livelihoods as farmers, 15% of traders, and the rest there is a civil servant , Armed Forces, and others, builders, private.

About Ceremony Wekasan or Rebo Rebo Pungkasan will be discussed on the naming ceremony, destination ceremonies, stories / myths ceremony, components ceremony, and offerings / service equipment.

a) Name of Ceremony

Ceremony in Wonokromo called Pungkasan or Rebo Rebo Wekasan.

Called Pungkasan or Rebo Rebo Wekasan because the ceremony is held on the last Wednesday of the month Sapar. Sapar word is synonymous with the word arabic word which means moon syafar the second Arab. Selanjutaya word identical with syafar Sapar said it became one of the names of second month of the Javanese and the number was 12 months (Tashadi et al, 1992/1993).

In this ceremony as the culmination of the show is Tuesday night or malem Rebo.

Formerly this ceremony centered on the front of the mosque and usually a week before the peak of the event was held the crowd, the night market. The ceremony is chosen on Wednesday, said last Wednesday of the month is a day Sapar perternuan between Sri Sultan HB I and mbah Kyai Faqih Usman. Based on that and then people call it a ceremony or Wekasan Rebo Rebo Pungkasan.

b) Goal Ceremony

The purpose and goal implementation is Wekasan Rebo ceremony as an expression of gratitude to God the Almighty, and a first kyai Wonokromo - Faqih Kyai Kyai Usman or Welit - which could cure all diseases and can give blessings for the success of the business or for specific purposes .

c) The story / myth Ceremony

The myth of Ceremonies Wekasan Rebo there are several versions. Narnun core and the ceremony there are similarities, namely the kyai Wonokromo lived in the village and has the advantage to cure various diseases and can give blessings for the success of the business and specific purposes such as making backup and reject others.

For more details would be outlined below:

- Version I

Rebo Wekasan been around since the year 1784 and until now the ceremony is still preserved. At that time there lived a mBah named Kyai Faqih Usman. Figures kyai later better known as the First or Wonokromo Kyai Kyai Welit. At that time his life has the advantage of very good knowledge in the field of religion and ketabiban or cure disease.

At that time people believed Wonokromo mbah Kyai babwa able to cure diseases and the methods used or practiced mbah Kyai in the treatment is by disuwuk, recited the verses in the Qur'an that a glass of water and drink to the patient can be cured.

As SKH KR dirnuat in 1983, that at that time in the area and its vicinity Wonokromo going pagebluk a threatening many people. No wonder then that people flocked to mbah Kyai to ask for drugs and asked for the blessing of salvation. Mbah Kyai fame spread to more remote areas, so that the coming growing berobatpun lot, then around the mosque and then packed with merchants who want to earn a livelihood and guests. Such an atmosphere would be disturbing greatness mosque and very troublesome pilgrims would enter the mosque for prayers. At one point mbah Kyai find the most effective way to provide treatment and blessing of salvation to his people, the lake in the battle menyuwuk Opak and Kali Kali Gajahwong located in the east of the village Wonokromo or rather in front of the mosque.

Thanks to fame mBah Kyai Faqih, then over time until you hear by: Sri Sultan HB 1. To prove the story is then sent four of his soldiers to bring mbah Kyai palace overlooking Faqih and demonstrate that their knowledge. Mbah Kyai science proved that received praise from Sri Sultan HB I because it was after the community was ill treated and cured.

After the mbah Kyai, then people believe that bathing in the battle and Kali Kali Gajahwon Opak can cure diseases and bring. blessings peace, so that every day people Wekasan Wednesday droves to seek blessings. By bathing in the battle of human intended purity or always "wisuh" to remove impurities inherent in the body. But others interpret the public, that "wisuh" or other means had a bath, which bath "with" misuh "- said dirty. According to the interviewees that this is a belief that people from outside the region dating, because society itself does not menggangap Wonokromo such , because people - men strong Muslim religion and avoid polytheism
Version II

Rebo wekasan ceremony was not separated from the palace by Sultan Agung of Mataram which had been in Plered berkraton. In the Morrow book, stated that traditional ceremonies were held since 1600. In the reign of Mataram or disease contracted pagebluk. Seeing the suffering of his people, Sultan Agung deeply concerned that then he meditated in a mosque in the village Kerta.

After doing meditation, and then the Sultan received wangsit or inspiration, that the outbreak of the disease disappear bias condition has refused reinforcements. With these wangsit, and Sultan Agung called Kyai Sidik residing in the village to implement it Wonokromo bala reject it. After that Kayai Sidik or known by the name of Kyai Welit because've heard its worth it. After that Kyai Welit implement dawuh reinforcements to make a tangible starting with writing arabic tattoo Bismillahi Rahmanir Rakhim of 124 lines.

After writing a tangible tattoo was finished and then wrapped in white cloth ndengan. The next tattoo was submitted to Sultan Agung and pleaded with tattoo is inserted into the water. By Sultan Agung of ajmat the tattoo was put into a golden bowl was filled with water. Water ajimat then drink to the sick and heal. From then reportedly spread to the village - the village and causing the sick and rushing throng dating Untk ajimat get water from it.

With a lot of peduuk to ask for water berdatangn ajimat, dikuatrikan is not enough water. Sultan Agung finally ordered to Kyai ajimat prints to water remaining in the golden bowl is poured in the battle tadai times Opak and Elephants wong, with the intention that anyone who takes a bath in that place. The news quickly spread and eventually more people who bathe or just wash my face battle with the hope of all permasalahnnay be resolved.
Version III

As has been told by consultants (Woehid), a story about Wekasan Rebo is as follows. For the community, whose name in Sura and Sapar was a month has been a catastrophe peril or danger. To the people trying to resist, so in the months do not happen. The way he was pleading to the person or kyai considered more intelligent or competent.

At that time people are considered smart Kyai Muhammad Faqih from the Village Wonokromo. Kyai Faqih also called Kyai Welit, because his job is to make welit or roof of thatch. They are coming to make Welit Kyai reinforcements in the form of starting wifik or tattoo that reads Arabic. Rajah was then inserted into the tub that was filled with water and used to bathe in the hope that the relevant good.

Over time people come asking wifik or tattoo was very much, so Kyai Welit very busy. Kyai Welit finally found a new way, namely wifik or tattoo that is placed on the battle Kali and Kali Gajahwong Opak. In this way people do not come Kyai It took Welit and they just take water or bathe in the battle to get the blessings of salvation as a means of departure bala. It is said that the battle on the river every month Sapar Wekasan Rebo, on Tuesday night used night crossings of people who will go to Mount Permoni located in Karangwuni Village, Village Trimulya. As they crossed the river there are throwing swear words or less worthy. Moreover, the cross is a woman by itself should raise cincing or skirt / cloth so as not to wet. And where are then people say the words that are not appropriate.

According to the consultants (Woehid), they crossed the river because it was to go to Mount Permoni no connecting bridge. For that is the only way is to cross the river last battle. This is Permoni Mount Castle in Plered Mataram Kingdom and the place was found a few stone relics and the Castle, the stone include: stone Ambon, Stone Arrow, Stone Umbrellas, Stone Needles Sembrani and so on. Those who come there are nenepi or to request something. Relation to each Tuesday evening Wednesday - Rebo Wekasan - in this Sapar is the number of people who faced the Kyai Faqih to ask for prayers for him to survive the catastrophe.

d) Components of Ceremony

(1) Time and Place of Ceremony

Ceremony or Wekasan Rebo Rebo Wonokromo Pungkasan in this village held once a year on Tuesday night Wednesday in the last week of Sapar. Chosen day was associated with a meeting of Sultan Agung and Kyai Faqih on that day and the month Sapar last week (KR, 1983).

Once this ceremony was in battle and Kali Kali Gajahwong Opak. Medium keramaiannya or night market near the battle to the front of the mosque. But over time it increasingly rarnai activities that interfere with religious activities Mosque. For the above command Wonokromo Village Chief, then Rebo Wekasan ceremony, crowds, or the night market was moved in front of the village hall in the Field Wonokromo.


(2) The Ceremony

In ancient times the ceremony was the community organizer and surrounding Wonokromo without cost. But starting in 1990 began Wekasan Rebo Ceremony coordinated by village officials and as chairman of the committee is kadesnya. Then the sections assisted by officials and community leaders.

Regarding the financing used to only individuals and most are not just for sales of capital and buy flowers lemper sow. However, after this ceremony the government managed the village, then the implementation cost of the lease diperoleb place for the various booths at the fair. Besides, there are also additional funds from the Department of Tourism and governmental organizations.

e) equipment offerings and Meaning Contained in the ceremony

In days of old equipment used for the ceremony is quite simple, especially for those who take it quite bring water bottles or cans only. As for the offerings of flowers. But after the device is managed by the village, the equipment used and the variety is generally made of bamboo, for example, to place carrying lemper, which brings mountains, and so on. The meaning contained in these lemper to remind the public that Sultan Agung was a fan of eating lemper.

2) The road / Procession Ceremony

In a welcoming ceremony or Wckasan Rebo Rebo Pungkasan Wonokromo Village, District Plered, usually a week before the peak of the show has found a game booths like waves banyu, tram, dremolem, and so on. Then there is the night market that looks like sekaten, ie there is selling clothing, food, toys and so on.

But the clear selling food in the course encountered people who sell lemper. In 1990 the tradition or ritual Wekasan Rebo Rebo Pungkasan already coordinated by the committee. At that time, as the top event is the procession lemper giant, which is a replica lemper measuring 2.5 meters tall with a diameter 45 cm. Lemper is then carried from the mosque toward the Town Hall Wonokromo far Wonokromo 2 km. In this lemper carnival begins with the line of soldiers Ngayogyakarta Palace, followed the giant imitation lemper carried by four men, and followed along lemper measuring 40 cm and 15 cm. Further back behind which are some of the local arts groups such as Shalawatan, Kubrosiswo, Rodat, and so enliven the ceremony Wekasan Rebo.

During the giant lemper carried from the front of the mosque and dikirabkan, then in the office of the village hall had many of the invited guests who waited lemper huge presence in the village hall, lemper is directly placed on the stage that has been provided. A few moments later the ceremony was opened by the chairman of the committee, continued with his speech on the environment of government officials who were invited as the subdistrict head, department head, and so on.

After that just held a giant lemper cut by high officials that the peak of the event. lemper was then distributed to the attending guests and visitors, and weaknesses coupled with ordinary lemper deliberately made by the committee to cover shortages. Similarly, had brought Gunungan also cut and distributed to visitors and even to fight like that happen in the event at the Palace Ngayogyakarta sekaten it. After the ceremony finished Wekasan Rebo, except for the booths like waves banyu, the sellers and so it will still be there about a week old.

Relation to the bath or across a term battle cincing no longer, because the time is now more depth and one meter, because the surrounding built dams to flood the rice fields. The event is clear to the public recitation Wonokromo is great or great mujahadah held on Tuesday night Sapar Wednesday of the month falls on a Wednesday night last.

3) Changes and Comments

As already explained above that the ceremony was Wekasan Rebo undergo much change in terms of the procession and in the use of the ceremony.

Path / Procession ritual

- Once the center and the ceremony came the battle and Kali Kali Gajahwong Opak, where they are going to cross the river with one out dirty words. But since 1990 moved in around the village hall and in the Field Wonokromo Wonokromo. Even in the ceremony held at the mosque grand study.

- For those who would hold at Mount nenepi no longer Permoni must cross the river but had made a bridge to the mountain.

- As a top event in the current Wekasan Rebo is lemper paraded a giant, and the mosque next to the village hall were distributed to the visitors.

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