Alms Poncosari Sea

Alms Poncosari Sea

1) Background and Components Ceremony

Alms ceremony in Poncosari Sea is located in Ngentak Hamlet, Village Poncosari, Sub Srandakan, Bantui District, Yogyakarta Province. With the provincial capital, the village is located about 27 km to the southeast and the capital district is 17 km to the southeast as well. The village is divided into 24 hamlets, 52 RW, and RT 122. The 24 villages are among the Dusun Ngentak used for traditional ceremonies of Alms Sea.

Poncosari village has an area of 11.86 km2 with a population of about 11,807 inhabitants and there was KK 2724. By looking at the data, it can be seen that the density average of 996 jiwal/km2 and 4.33 people / families. From residents of the mostly Muslim religion. Yet they were still carrying out traditional ceremonies performed by their predecessors, such as Sea Alms Ceremony, Ceremony Anggara love, and so on. In connection with this ceremony will be explained about the naming ceremony, destination ceremonies, stories / myths ceremony, and the components of the ceremony.

a) Name of Ceremony

In a ceremony held at the Hamlet Ngentak, Poncosari village is called Alms Sea. Because Ngentak community livelihood as fishermen, the alms or gifts directed to The Lord of the Sea. They have expectations that the fishermen are always given a lot of results and always be safety.

b) The story / myth Ceremony

In this sea Alms ceremony that will dimitoskan is Kanjeng Ratu Kidul or Nyai Roro Kidul is the guardian goddess of the South Sea. He is the master of South Sea and its contents and alanmya conditions. For that to the fishermen during the South Sea was released, and all sorts of dangers that threatened him like a big wave, big wind, and given the abundance of fish income to make yearly offerings (Suara Merdeka, 1983). So the Sea Alms is intended as a fisherman gratitude for the safety and income given in the form of fish.

c) Components of Ceremony

Sea Alms first ceremony held by the fishermen Ngentak Hamlet, Village Poncosari includes time, place of ceremony, ceremony organizers, equipment and offerings.

For more details would be outlined below:

(1) Time and Place of Ceremony

Alms ceremony Ngentak Sea Village, Village Poncosari held once every year and falls on the first Sunday in the month of Ramadhan, and has been running were hereditary. So for example the first Lebaran day falls on Wednesday, then on Sunday Alms Sea Ceremony performed. In 2000 this falls on a Sunday Wage dated January 9, 2000 the sea alms Sunday falls on January 16, 2000.

According to local adat, that chose the first Sunday in the month of Shawwal was meant relatives or children and grandchildren who lived far from the village of Poncosari still vacationing at his parents' house so he could watch the ceremony because tersebut.disamping Sunday is holiday, so it can Pantai Pandan Simo grace. Thus, it can increase local income because many visitors are there.

About time to start the ceremony is at 10:00 am and sometimes lasted until 14:00 o'clock noon. In this case more or less depending on the event. Next to his place, because to apply salvation to the South Sea Queen, it must be on the beach, the Coast Pandan Simo and facing south, where the Queen of the South are. Because there are nearby petilasan.

(2) Organizer Ceremony

In ancient times the ceremony was the organizer of the fishing communities who live in the Village Ngentak, Village Poncosari. At that time, every house a banquet / safety of their own. And the cost will be more. In 1985 the fishermen are mutually negotiate how about those Sea Alms ceremony put together and coordinated it. Finally the meeting approved and started the same year the Sea Alms ceremony were merged into one. In this case the handle is a citizen of fishermen who lived in the village with the help Ngentak Poncosari Village officials as a committee.

As for financing the ceremony, everything was formerly borne by the fishermen in a way every day tuitions in TPI. In place already in charge of the treasurer pieces for ceremonial activities. Narnun after running two years each ceremony were given cash grants of about Rp 400,000, --

As mentioned before the ceremony that the deal was the fishermen and the Hamlet Ngentak. They have a duty to melabuh offerings into the sea. According to adat, that person should be an option that is reliable. Then in charge of cooking the mothers are wives of fishermen. As for a place to cook in turn, that if used in RT 01, is now moving in the house RT 02, and so on. Later on during the ceremony which was attended fathers Ngentak residents are fishermen, the invited guests, visitors, and so on.

Was the village committee of district officials as among guests and there among the officials gave speeches.

After the show finished his speech and then held the burning of incense and prayed by mBah Clark - Interpreter Lock petilasan HB VII. Before the first cense mBah Clark sat cross-legged facing the sea and worshiped and followed by burning incense. When finished and praying together, led by the caretaker.

(3) Tools and Offerings

In this ceremony the equipment used is as follows:

• Boat outboard, outboard-engine boat that will be used to bring offerings that will dilabuh out to sea.

• rack, made of bamboo and woven parts with a rectangular shape. The tool is typically used to place / base offerings.

• Jodhang, usually made of wood made rectangular. This place is normally used to carry the offerings to be brought to the coast.

• Tampah / tambir, this tool made round and plaited bamboo and used

to the carrying offerings.

• Pengaron, this tool is made and clay and used for the rice.

• Takir, this tool made of banana leaves and then formed at both ends were young coconut leaf or leaves of young coconut. This tool is used for the porridge, porridge that will be used for offerings.

• Ceketong, made and used china plates and spoons for restaurants and snatch. If it only made ceketong and banana leaves.

Then for the offerings there are a variety, namely:

1) The offerings are specifically designed Kanjeng Ratu Kidul dilabuh later.

2) Interest Telon, this flower variety, there are roses, jasmine, kantil, ylang and so are all fragrant.

3) The tools include women's beauty bedhak, comb, perfume, eyebrow pencil, and so fragrant sernuanya.

4) Clothing or a complete cooking pengadek women, there bajuAain, pants, bras, kebaya which must all be new.

5) Jenang-jenangan, there is a red porridge, white, black, katul bars, and so on.

6) Snacks markets, namely small food like nuts, plates, slondok, and so that sernuanya purchased in the market.

7) Nasi udhuk or savory rice, rice cooked with coconut milk, salt, and so on, and after cooking it was tasty.

8) Chicken ingkung, rooster cooked whole with both feet and wings tied. This chicken after cooking it was tasty.

9) Banana sanggan, banana plantain chosen is a quality number one. Meaning betui old and not disabled. Besides itujumlahnya must be even.

10) Plantain sticky rice, and this is a combination of plantains and sesisir pulut sesisir.

11) Side dish, consisting of peanut brittle, knipuk, soybeans, tanto and so on.

12) Lalapan, consisting of cabbage, or beans tirnun-chopped finely chopped.

2) The road / Procession Ceremony

In this ceremony Sea Alms all activities at sea is stopped. They are getting ready to follow the procession ceremony. On the eve of his D-day was held tahlilan led by Rais or Kaur Ngentak Village area. After that early morning stuff that is cooked for the preparation of offerings start set in place that has been prepared, they are governing the mothers and then checked for completeness by the Stakeholder Ceremony. On the other hand, fathers who will follow the procession dressed ready kejawen, was in charge tekong ready to cast a fishing outfit equipped with a buoy. Please note that this Ngentak rural communities each RT already has its own uniform, for example, RT 01 uniform with red flowers, 02 RT yellow flowers and so on. This uniform is worn every activity in the village and every ceremony Alms Sea.

Towards 10:00 am, jodhang and others began offering brought to the coast brought with accompaniment teberapa the uniformed ranks of the RT in the region Ngentak.

Once there has been received by the committee in charge. But before that first key spokesman for coming to Petilasan HB VII to burn incense and ask blessing or god forbid term.

10:00 am After the ceremony began and was opened by the chairman of the committee that Mr. Kades Poncosari. After that show good speech from the district or district officer or department, and continued with Alms highlight the Sea, which is offering melabuh goods into the sea by a tekong on duty. This event used to apply for the invitation or participants enjoy the food that has been provided by the committee or the village citizens Ngentak. After it was over and closed with prayer by the Rais or Interpreter Lock.

Thus the ceremony was finished Alms Sea.

3) Meaning / Symbols

All items are used to Alms Sea ceremony were all offering meaningful as the presence of sylikur thank God Almighty because Kanjeng Ratu Kidul as a guard for the safety of the South Sea and their income in Segoro fishing in the South or the South Sea. The various offerings that have meaning / symbol itself include:

- Banana sanggan meaning that the king or queen is the most or not in it anymore.

- Pulut Plantain meaningful as a follower, so tetep, sticky, kelet, so the relationship between the king and the people to remain and stick.

- Jenang cross the red and white porridge given the cross or the bar is so that the community in making a living Ngentak nothing to obstruct.

- Red and white Jenang implies that there are people down or print, that is red to white for the father and mother.

- Jenang black, meaningful for the offerings to relatives or hermitage or craters KAKANG adi placentas.

- Rice Ameng, meaning that salvation from God Almighty.

- Rice rasulan / udhuk, meaning lord of the Prophet Muhammad.

- Chicken ingkung completeness of rasulan, so the meaning lord addressed to Prophet Muhammad. Chicken should be a good've never competed, not disability, jenggernya long, and so on.

- Fresh water is in the pitcher has the meaning of salvation.

- Equipment and clothing beauty dilabuh woman has the meaning that the equipment is a favorite of women to dress up. So it was all aimed at Kanjeng Nyai Ratu Kidul or Ratu Kidul to dress up or primp.

- Flower as a symbol of fragrance applications.

4) Changes and Comments

The existence of the Sea Ceremony performed Alms Ngentak community, the Village there Poncosari change here and there, either from the offerings and ceremonial processions. In terms of process if the first public selamatn ceremony / banquet at their respective homes, so the atmosphere is less colorful. But after 15 years running, the ceremony was performed by the group so that the atmosphere was more festive and is considered more effective. Especially with the help of Diparda, it can enliven the atmosphere.

This ceremony, now in a ceremony accompanied by such art events Salawatan, Jathilan, and so on.

If the first ceremony to present the Sea Alms only local citizens, but now with the officials and invited guests that can be packed into tourism assets. About where the ceremony is now able to attract direct pegunjung.

Comments from interviewees to this ceremony still preserved and there is need for guidance from relevant agencies. In order to develop arts activities need additional funds from relevant agencies.

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