ChargeBar MIUI Battery Bar v beta3 apk

ChargeBar MIUI Battery Bar vbeta3
ChargeBar MIUI Battery Bar vbeta3 apk
Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: A fully-customizable MIUI battery bar for any device on any ROM
ChargeBar MIUI Battery Bar vbeta3
ChargeBar is a highly-customizable, completely-free MIUI battery bar application for ANY Android device on ANY ROM, with or without root! Just pick a color, position, height and go!
Note to StatusBar+ users: to have ChargeBar display OVER StatusBar+ enable StatusBar+ THEN ChargeBar. They appear in the order in which they are started.
What are people saying?
“Well done! Functions perfectly, doesn’t kill my battery, and is even BETTER than the MIUI version! Color, height, and position are customizable which MIUI stock never had!” – k4p741nkrunch
“Missed my battery bar so much Thanks for this. Works great on cm9″ – questioncom
“Fantastic One of my favorite features from miui. Great job!” – Thelastneo
“Good stuff Works flawless with the T-Mo SG2″ – Jon
Settings include:
- The ability to start when the device has finished booting.
- Automatic hiding in full screen applications.
- Hiding in the lock screen.
- Displaying a status bar notification/ reminder.
- Charging animations.
- Changing the background color.
- Changing the height.
- Configurable position (top, bottom, bottom of status bar).
ADS: To remove the permanent graphic links to The Seven+ Project, The UltraLinx, and UltraUI, as well as support development, please consider donating!
BUGS/ Suggestions: Please send all bugs and feature suggestions to We cannot reply to comments on the Android Market!
Free ChargeBar MIUI Battery Bar vbeta3 apk
Tag : Android Apps

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