Android Aplikasi Edit Photo: TouchRetouch 3.0.1

Aplikasi Edit Photo: TouchRetouch 3.0.1 Apk untuk Android

Hapus konten yang tidak diinginkan dari foto Anda dengan mudah!
TouchRetouch adalah pemenang penghargaan editor foto yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menghapus konten yang tidak diinginkan atau objek dari foto apapun, hanya menggunakan jari Anda dan telepon Anda. Tandai item yang ingin dibawa keluar dari snapshot dan tekan 'Go'. Itu semua ada untuk itu. Mengedit foto tidak pernah begitu cepat, mudah dan nyaman

Android download TouchRetouch 3.0.1 Apk
latest update : new version 3.0.1
support Android : android 2.1 eclair, android 2.2 froyo, android 2.3 gingerbread, android tablet 3 honeycomb, android 4 ice cream sandwich or above

download TouchRetouch 3.0.1 Apk

download TouchRetouch 3.0.1 Apk

v3.0.1 update:
# New Algorithm
# New Design
# App2SD
# Lasso fixed

You recently got married on a beautiful Caribbean beach. Everything was so perfect. Luckily, you have a lot of memorable snapshots of the crystalline water and white sand backdrop of the ceremony, you and your new spouse silhouetted in the sunset, your guests under a palm tree, that nude sunbather that somehow got included in a shot taken during the exchanging of vows. Yikes! Before showing your mom those photos, take a minute to remove that accidental guest from an otherwise great picture. Open your TouchRetouch app. Using your finger, select the Brush or Lasso tool to mark what you don’t want in the shot, then hit the ‘Go’ button. Okay, you’re done and it’s now safe to share your picture-perfect memories with everybody.

TouchRetouch isn’t just for exotic or wedding photo touch-ups, of course. Use this easy yet ingenious application on any photo, newly snapped on your phone or taken from your gallery. Remove those wires that are in the way of an otherwise wonderful view, take banners off of buildings, get rid of people, eliminate spots and other imperfections. All without distorting the final image.

You can even have a little fun with TouchRetouch. Take away the bicycle from under your brother and it looks like he’s cycling in mid-air. You can make it look like people are flying, jumping or posed oddly, by removing whatever was supporting them.
Do everything mentioned here and more, in mere seconds without any special equipment.

Android Download TouchRetouch .Apk
disclaimer: this app is not FREE, please buy in android market or visit developer's website
Please support the developers if you like their app.

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[download apk] for PRO version Please buy here [android arket]
tags : aplikasi android, game, app, apps, support android phone: samsung galaxy, ace, mini, s 2, sony ericsson xperia, x10, x8, motorola, LG, HTC, droid, nexus, s, nexian, zte, and all android phone
Tag : Android, Download

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