RemoteSMS Pro 6.9.7 Apk, Aplikasi Sms Jarak Jauh

RemoteSMS Pro 6.9.7.Apk App
Aplikasi Remote Sms untuk Android

Download RemoteSMS Pro v6.9.7 Apk
latest update : new version 6.9.7
support Android : android 1.5 cupcake, android 1.6 donut, android 2.0 / 2.1 eclair, android 2.2 froyo, android 2.3 gingerbread, android tablet 3 honeycomb or above

RemoteSMS Pro 6.9.7 Apk android

RemoteSMS Pro 6.9.7 Apk
Aplikasi Remote Sms untuk Android
Tulis SMS jarak jauh dari komputer Anda melalui WiFi, USB atau Bluetooth.
Tidak ingin mengetik Anda pendek-Pesan pada layar kecil android Anda?
Maka saatnya bagi Anda untuk memeriksa RemoteSMS! Sekarang Anda dapat membuat semua SMS Anda-Pesan jarak jauh dari komputer Anda.
Hanya mulai RemoteSMS dan menghubungkan desktop browser favorit Anda ke telepon Anda.
Pesan yang sedang dikirim oleh telepon Anda (dengan penuh Caller-ID). Sama seperti jika Anda akan telah mengetik pada telepon itu sendiri.
Tulis SMS jarak jauh dari komputer Anda melalui WiFi, USB atau Bluetooth.
Akses lengkap untuk menghubungi buku Anda, sms-pesan dan percakapan.
Massal-pesan dan sms lama mendukung. Password dan mengamankan sambungan HTTPS didukung!

RemoteSMS Pro 6.9.7 Apk | 587 KB | Mediafire Download
Requires Android:1.5 and up

Compose SMS remotely from your computer via WiFi,USB or Bluetooth.
Don’t want to type your Short-Messages on your tiny android screen?
Then it’s time for you to check out RemoteSMS! Now you can compose all your SMS-Messages remotely from your computer.
Just start RemoteSMS and connect your favorite desktop browser to your phone.
Messages are being sent by your phone (with full Caller-ID). Just as if you would have typed it on the phone itself.
Compose SMS remotely from your computer via WiFi,USB or Bluetooth.
Complete access to your contact-book, sms-messages and conversations.
Bulk-messaging and long sms supported. Password and secure HTTPS connection supported!

Download RemoteSMS Pro 6.9.7 Apk
disclaimer: this app is not FREE, please buy in android market or visit developer's website
Please support the developers if you like their app.
tags : aplikasi android, game, app, apps, support android phone: samsung galaxy, ace, mini, s 2, sony ericsson xperia, x10, x8, motorola, LG, HTC, droid, nexus, s, nexian, zte, and all android phone, com.grrzzz.remotesmsfull
Download RemoteSMS Pro 6.9.7 Apk try download free version not Pro
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