Game Untuk Samsung Galaxy Mini Android

Kumpulan Game Android untuk Samsung galaxy Mini
Download Game Untuk Samsung Galaxy Mini s5570

Games for Samsung Galaxy Mini Android
latest update : new version
support Android : android 1.5 cupcake, android 1.6 donut, android 2.0 / 2.1 eclair, android 2.2 froyo, android 2.3 gingerbread, android tablet 3 honeycomb or above

Samsung Galaxy mini android is one of the cheapest android phone. Unfortunately, some people think that it’s poor of features and applications. In fact, that’s wrong. Although the phone is mini, like its name but we can do anything big, including if you want to get play HD games, you also can do it on your Galaxy Mini. Here are top 3 games which was tested could run on Samsung Galaxy Mini.

Game Untuk Samsung Galaxy Mini Android

Samsung Galaxy Mini android merupakan salah satu ponsel android termurah. Sayangnya, beberapa orang berpikir bahwa itu miskin fitur dan aplikasi. Meskipun telepon adalah mini, seperti namanya tapi kita bisa melakukan apa saja, termasuk jika Anda ingin mendapatkan bermain game HD, Anda juga dapat melakukannya pada Mini Galaxy Anda.

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disclaimer: this app is not FREE, please buy in android market or visit developer's website
Please support the developers if you like their app.
tags : aplikasi android, game, app, apps, support android phone: samsung galaxy, ace, mini, s 2, sony ericsson xperia, x10, x8, motorola, LG, HTC, droid, nexus, s, nexian, zte, and all android phone, Game Untuk Samsung Galaxy Mini Android
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