Adding Your Spouse To Your Motor Trade Insurance Policy

Did you know you can add your significant other onto your Motor Trade Insurance policy? Did you also know that they can be added on for relatively low cost?

You can add your spouse onto your policy with most good insurance companies nowadays with very little fuss - and it can cost as little as 5% of your total premium! More good news is that you don't even have to be married – most companies will now consider a common law wife/husband in the same way. So, as long as you co-habit you can add them on!

Let's give an example of where you can save:

You move into a house with your girlfriend/wife. You are paying insurance on two cars on two separate policies (approximately £450 on each one) as you both need to commute to work. You are a self employed motor trader who valets cars & vans. One of the cars is registered to you and one to your girlfriend/wife.

You take out a trade policy for £520 (this is an estimate, generally a trade policy can be as cheap, if not cheaper than a private car policy anyway!). Why not add her on as well? You could then cancel her insurance policy and put her car onto yours. This will save you one set of insurance premiums. She will even be able to commute to work covered by your insurance. Your partner would not even lose her no claims bonus as you can cancel a policy and keep the important discount for up to 2 years without using it.

So, as long as you are a motor trader you can benefit from the fact that you can add multiple vehicles onto your policy for free. Please be aware that the benefits stated in this article can be attributed to a spouse, whether common law or not, only. Other family members/friends/employees may be subject to different terms and conditions

The ability to add your partner on to your Motor Trade Insurance policy is an often over looked benefit of working in the trade, maybe its time you considered it?

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About the Author

Written by E-Commerce Manager of Think Insurance,Chris Roche. For more information on motor trade insurance, home insurance or other automotive insurances take a look at our site and give us a call for a cheap traders insurance quote.

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