Android OS Keeps Gaining Momentum: 10 Reasons Why

News Analysis: Google's Android OS is more attractive than ever. It's a hit with smartphone buyers and makers, and Google is making moves that will keep the mobile operating system on a roll.

Google's Android operating system is easily besting the competition in today's mobile market. In fact, the company's operating system, which runs on several devices from a number of vendors, is outselling Apple's iPhone, RIM's BlackBerry and other products that haven't been able to captivate audiences as effectively as it has.

And now with Windows Phone 7 out of the bag, it's clear that Google's operating system will only grow even more rapidly. Microsoft's operating system lacks the key features that most consumers really want, and it's arguably going to fall even further behind due to the limitations in its functionality.

Google's Android OS has what it takes to succeed. The mobile operating system is on a roll, and it doesn't look like there is anything out there to put a brake on its momentum.

Here's why:

1. Android 2.2 keeps coming

When Google first offered Android OS, it was a mess. The operating system didn't work the way consumers had hoped, and Apple's iOS looked all the better. But Google improved the mobile operating system with each new update. Android 2.2, for example, is easily the best version of the software ever released. That's why it's coming to more devices. As that continues, it will be harder for consumers to opt for an alternative.

2. Android 3.0 is right around the corner

As good as Android 2.2 is, Google is planning to offer Android 3.0 in the coming months. Most estimates peg the release date at early 2011. When that software is released, it will likely include several updates that will make it even more appealing to customers. Considering Android 2.1 and Android 2.2 have been such successes, it's hard to see why Android 3.0 won't be as well.

3. Tablets are starting to adopt it

With Apple's iPad setting the sales standard in the tablet market, other vendors that want to run Android OS are starting to fall into place. Currently, Cisco, LG, Samsung and others plan to introduce Android-based tablets in the coming months. That's good news for Google, and it will likely only help the company's mobile operating system take the lead in the space.

4. It's becoming more enterprise-focused

Google is finally starting to realize that in order to be successful in the mobile market, getting the enterprise into the mix is extremely important. So the company is starting to make inroads into the corporate world. Android 2.2 is widely considered by people who have evaluated it as the most enterprise-friendly mobile operating system Google has ever released. Going forward, Google will likely continue to make a push for the enterprise. That should only make its software that much more appealing.

5. Windows Phone 7 looks to be a failure

Windows Phone 7 is arguably Google's biggest competition in the mobile OS space. The new operating system from Microsoft attempts to attract vendors and beat Google at its own game: selling a slew of devices to consumers around the world. But Windows Phone 7 lacks full multitasking, apps and a number of other features consumers want. And it will likely be viewed as the other operating system when it launches in the U.S. next month.

6. Apple isn’t powerful anymore

Apple might still be a major player in the mobile market, and it's a company that should be respected. But Google has shown that it can beat Apple at its own game. Granted, the company had to do it with several devices against one, but it did it nonetheless. It has proved to the industry that it can beat Apple without much trouble.

7. Verizon has doubled down

The only way an operating system is going to be successful is if major carriers get behind it. Luckily for Google and its vendor partners, that is exactly what has happened. Verizon has been extremely successful in its support for Android. And it has made every indication that it will continue to support the operating system going forward. Considering Verizon is the top carrier in the United States, that's a good thing.

8. Google has real focus

When Google first started marketing Android OS, the company's intentions were unknown. It was still heavily invested in the search and advertising markets, and it wasn't clear how dedicated it really was to mobile technology. But it's clear now. And Android OS has become a key component in Google's strategy. That's good news for the company's partners. And it will likely only help the search giant.

9. More vendors are joining in

Motorola's and HTC's success with Android has caused some companies to take notice of Google's operating system. As a result, Google is seeing several new vendors start opting for its operating system over others. For example, Dell's Streak tablet and Aero smartphone both run Android OS. For consumers, the more options available, the better.

10. The Android Market is growing

Apple's App Store has spurred an entirely new industry in the mobile market. But Google's Android Market, which admittedly has far fewer applications than Apple's store, has been gaining ground. In fact, it currently has most of the top applications available in Apple's marketplace for sale or free download in its store. That only adds to the value of Android OS, and it will make it all the more appealing in the future.

By: Don Reisinger

source : eweek

Tag : Android

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