Philosophy and Cultural Values of Yogyakarta Palace

Gayam, Tree.
Palace environment, Gayam trees planted in the road to Siti Hinggil, Tratag Cultural south, amounting to 6 trees, and each of the three trees on the west side and east.
Gayam word in Javanese language means nggayuh or achieve something, while wood tree symbolizes the soul gayam pastor. This meant that people have a desire to find a way of life virtue, grace and blessings expect from the Sultan. The sixth tree in the middle of the countdown to being the seventh. The number seven here symbolizes the character of a perfect pastor knowledge, holiness, goodness, and lead to clear my mind to achieve salvation. For a servant who wants to see the king Siti Hinggil, then he must have the same character with a lofty meaning gayam tree, which the priest character.
Besides regarded as a sacred tree, the tree gayam can also be used as an upset stomach and diarrhea, by taking skin incense mixed with honey, fennel pulawaras, and the heart of banana. Then the materials ground, given water and drink. In the fiber saloka patra, told about the beginning gayam tree can be used as a drug, because this tree is an incarnation of the sacred sage and have immunity. Therefore environmental planted Sultan Palace.
Soka, Tree.
Trees planted by environmental Soka Yogyakarta Palace at the pleasure of the Sultan, because soka trees have medicinal benefits, namely drugs coming months too late. The way is by taking the tree bark, young leaves, and flowers pulawaras mixed with fennel, a little salt, then ground and drunk. After drinking this potion will usually come in smoothly again.
Blimbing wuluh. Tree.
Yogyakarta Palace environmental planted at the pleasure of the Sultan, because wuluh starfruit leaves can be used as a drug. Wuluh Blimbing leaves used to make pilis commonly used by women after childbirth, which Khasiatnya for eye health.
Wuluh star fruit tree planted in the back of Siti Hinggil. This implies that all the servants and the people respect the word or words of his king. It also symbolizes that a woman's place in the back. Flowers belimbing wuluh (virtual) form small, so that from afar seem vague. This symbolizes the sultan, who was sitting on the Throne Siti Hinggil will only dimly visible from the outside Siti Hinggil.
Kambil Gadhing. Tree.
Kalmbil gadhing tree or planted gadhing heads in the neighborhood Yogyakarta Palace at the pleasure of the sovereign, because it has medicinal benefits. Water from young coconuts gadhing (Cengkir gadhing) can be used to crowbar navel drug to treat infants and smallpox scars in children.
Head gadhing also planted beside the palace as a decoration, its meaning as a symbol of the sovereign's will to all who see it, so have a clear mind, pure, straight and hope for such longevity gadhing of coconut trees that are not branched.
Gadhing young coconuts (Cengkir gadhing) has the meaning of goodness and blessings application safety. Leaf head gadhing young yellow (young coconut leaf) represents the clarity of mind. Therefore Cengkir gadhing and young coconut leaf used as a complement for it Tarub and twin to the ceremony Virgin perkawainan and tingkeban.
Kemuning. Tree.
Planted in the palace with the intention of the environment taken its meaning. So its function myrtle tree to remind people to always do good. In salokapatra fiber, the myrtle trees planted one in the back Siti Hinggil, likened to a woman as pendaping man, who was behind its place and is regarded as a secret power, so as not to be always displayed in front.
Therefore this tree is also regarded as a symbol of purity and clarity in thought, then this tree is widely used in wedding ceremonies. Myrtle leaves mixed with pandan leaves, Intersection dribbles and rice, are used to make herbal treatment for the bride. With the expectation that brides wear scrubs, his face will look radiant and beautiful. Myrtle leaves are also used to complement Tarub the marriage ceremony, which meant that the couple always lived the good in his new life's journey.
Kuweni, Tree.
Planted behind Siti Hinggil Yogyakarta Palace at the pleasure of the king to take its meaning. Kuweni tree is likened to a woman in seclusion, his place behind and slightly away from Siti Hinggil. Fruit kuweni only good if eaten alone, because it does not deserve to entertain others. That is, that the wife and she was good for the individual, but not good when used as treats or meals for someone else.
Kecendhul, Tree.
Kepel or remote, is a tree as a symbol of strength. This means the holder of the people, beg mercy and reward from the sultan, in order to be accepted to serve. While a remote Kepel implies the king to plead for blessings and protection. Kepel said that the human hand that describes the willingness to work and try. While the remote has two meanings, namely a significant black stone dusk, and the white stone or a light lunch meaningful. What the word meant Kepel firmly holding something, and that is the remote is basic, so the watu Kepel symbol is meant to command and rule the king stay strong forever.
Cashew Darsana, Tree.
Darsana cashew trees planted in Yogyakarta Palace environment as a symbol of strength. Guava intended meaning of the word as something that has the power, and the word Darsana or imply dresana example or model. So Darsana guava tree is intended as a symbol of strength for the king. This power is realized with the number of the courtiers who sowan (facing) the king of Siti Hinggil to provide service.
Darsana umlah guava tree is planted amounted to 6 sticks, 3 sticks planted in the right row and 3rd row bar on the left, symbolizing the three teachings of Java, namely Titi, Titis and Surti. And in order not to face many obstacles, must always remember the adage that says Java Javanese proverb that says nistha (shame), middle (enough) and all (more or greedy). Proverb has a live feed that people should not do anything embarrassing, do not go overboard, but live moderation and always be careful in acting. In addition, the number of rows of trees 3 also intended as a status position, namely ngisor (below), middle (middle) and ndhuwur (above). This means that the higher the position and increasing the age a person should be more wise that he can achieve prosperous life.
PAKEL, Tree.
Trees planted in the neighborhood PAKEL Yogyakarta Palace at the pleasure of the king to take its meaning. PAKEL fruit ripe when eaten will taste good. This likens that all the people in helping the kingdom to be firm and mature wisdom in order to reach safety together. But before this PAKEL eat fruit should be cleaned first resin, because the sap can cause fruit PAKEL itching of the skin when the body. This implies that humans must get rid of all bad thoughts and make a determination that the net can reach salvation.
Cape, Trees.
Planted in the four corners of the ward or the ward Maniti Yogyakarta Palace Keben will of the sovereign atsa. Fourth position this promontory of trees like the courtiers who were facing the sovereign, which place a corner point with the midpoint between gilang where the king's throne is located. Tree likened to a cape which has duties and obligations that must be implemented carefully and regularly so that it will achieve some good.
Curse floating about.
The name of an existing building environment Yogyakarta Palace. In the Java language, the curse is the name of one type of freshwater fish, and said float means floating, floating or submerged in water. The meaning of the curse of float building, ie when to serve the king must complete, should not hesitate (floating) and must have the inner and outer stability.
Coat Hanging Lowahan.
The name of an existing building within the Palace, which is in the Hall of Great or Festival. The significance of this building form, meaning that humans depend on the will of Almighty God, but people should try and implement his orders.
Klabang Nyander.
Name of listed buildings within the sultan's palace, which is in the Hall of Great or performances. Klabang is a reptile species that have a can or poison, while nyander is doing. Toxins (can) represent people who do not obey the order of the kingdom must be pursued by the mob and the law officers, and the wrong people would be punished.
Trajumas, Arti Building Form.
The name of the building located at Yogyakarta Palace, which is in Ward or wards Traju Trajumas Kencana. Ward name is taken from the name of the building, which is trajumas. Word meaning traju or weighing scales, while the mas or golden sacred meaning clear and no one. Meaning if the sultan was sitting in this ward, are expected to clean the sacred heart that everything he said was always right. Because of this ward is used to lift the grand vizier, so it was expected that the sultan was not wrong in lifting the grand vizier.
Is the core or center of the Mataram kingdom in the territorial division. The term comes from the word kuthagara Kutha and state (city-state or capital). Kuthagara area is often called Narawita area, from the tower, which means people, or Suwita wita which means to serve, so Narawita is where the people who serve, ie the land owned by the king or kroondomein. This area is located in the palace, where the king with his family and several other high officials lived palace. Territorial division of the Mataram kingdom which was also used as the Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace. Kuthagara Region of Yogyakarta Palace was the center of the royal government. And that includes the area of Yogyakarta Palace kuthagara today is more or less the municipality of Yogyakarta.
Area around (commelanden) kuthagara. Regional State Supreme State also called Gede, still including the core areas of the kingdom, because in this region are mainly appanage (apanagegronden) from the royal palace and the high officials of other areas reside in kuthagara. About this Great State area originally consisted of only 4 parts, namely the Earth, the Sitisewu, Siti-Ageng (Earth Gedhe), and Panumping. According Rouffaer, year 1744 (at age Pakubuwono II) mentioned that the four parts of the area of each then split into two parts again, so the 8 regions. But according to the King Library Puwara fiber, division of the territory of the Great into eight regions have actually existed at the time of Sultan Agung. Eighth State of the Court consists of:
1. Regional Earth (Kedu area, west side of the river Progo) which includes 6000 count (work or shoulder).
2. Bumija (Kedu region east of the river Progo) which includes chopped 6000.
3. Siti-Ageng kiwa (left side of the road Pajai-Demak), which covers 10,000 count.
4. Siti-Ageng Tengen (the right side of the road Pajang-Demak), which covers 10,000 count.
5. Sewu (in Bagelen, between the river until the river Bagawanta Donan, Cilacap), which includes chopped 6000.
6. Numbak-Anyar (area between the river and Progo Bagawanta) which includes chopped 6000.
7. Panumping (Sukowati area) covering 10,000 count.
8. Panekar (Pajai area) covering 10,000 count.
State-Ageng area divided into several lungguh, plot, and its inhabitants, with a prince or a royal palace tingngi officials authorized to levy taxes in kind on behalf Sulta, so they called the submission. A submissive is not allowed to stay in the ground lungguhnya, but must in order kuthagara sultan could watch him. Each has a representative who dutifully called jacks to levy taxes on kebekelannya environment. Once a year at first, but after 1830 into two times a year after each harvest. Jacks submit this tax to the submissive, and obedient surrender to the Sultan's treasurer's office after dikurangni what they are entitled.
Great State Region is divided into several districts, each ruled by a regent of Police, which has the main task of enforcing the law and order, but it was not for the purpose of population welfare. Regent does not have a representative in the region, and therefore must be able to cooperate with jacks in his job. Included in the State Court of Yogyakarta Palace, at the present moment is more or less the entire region of Yogyakarta Special Region.
Regional areas outside the Great State, but not including pasisiran area. Foreign countries in the region is almost no appanages of noblemen Palace but at certain times (at least at every Garebeg Mulud must submit tax (tribute) to the palace, so that the region headed by Worldwide regents are often referred to as Siti Dalem Pamaosan. terbati Worldwide Region into two parts, namely Kulon and Worldwide Worldwide Wetan. Puwara Fiber King Library (at the time of Pakubuwono II) mentions, that the Worldwide area is as follows:
1. Worldwide Kulon area: namely, Banyumas, Banjar, Sand (Purwakarta), and 5000 covering ngayah count, which includes Kalibeber count 450, Rome (Karanganyar) which includes 800 mince; Karangbolong which includes 400 count, Merden (east of Banyumas) which includes 400 count, Conference, Tersana, and 300 covering Karencang mince; Bobotsari and Kartanegara covering 100 mince; siyu Lebak and Bala-home that includes 102 count, and Dayuluhur Bentar and that includes 600 count.
2. Worldwide Wetan area, which includes 16,000 who Panaraga mince; 4000 Kadiri including mince; Madison covering 16,000 mince; 1000 Pacitan including mince; Kaduwang include 1500 count; Magetan include 1000 count; CARUBAN includes 500 count; Pace 300 includes chopped; KERSANA includes 600 count; Sarengat and Blitar include 1000 count; Jipang include 8000 count; 5000 Grobogan include mince; 3000 Public include chopped; Sela includes 500 count; Blora 3000 includes chopped; Slough (Tulungagung) 800 includes mince; Kalangbret include chopped 600; Japan (Majakerta) includes 600 mince; Wirasaba (Majaagung) 1000 includes mince; Barebeg includes 400 works, and covers 1500 Jagaraga chopped.
At this present moment Worldwide Yogyakarta region, namely the area of State land outside the Great, approximately Panaraga area to the east and west regions Purworejo.
Regional foreign formally kerjaaan part, but the sultan did not allow the prince has appanage in this area. So regents indicated to run the government in this wilauah under direct supervision and guidance of the meek. Regent is also obliged to face the sovereign three times between the sovereign with the Netherlands government resulted in the loss of the entire Worldwide Yogyakarta, because this region together with the former Dutch East Indies, and for that the Dutch Government has agreed to pay annual compensation in the form of money to the sultan.
Pesisiran area is divided into two parts, namely Kulon Coastal or Coastal Kilen Demak covering an area to the west, and Coastal Wetan roughly covers the area east of Jepara. Fiber Purawa King Library (at the time of Pakubuwono II) states that pesisiran area consists of:
1. Kulon Coastal or Coastal Kilen, which covers 8000 Pekalongan chopped, Brebes, Bentar, and that includes Lebaksiyu mince 3040, 4000 Tegal including chopped, minced Pemalang include 2000, 2000 includes chopped stems, minced Kendal covering 2300 and 6000 covering Demak count.
2. Coastal Wetan, namely: the covering 4000 Jepara chopped, minced Ghost include 1000, framelike device 700 includes chopped, minced Pati include 4000, 1000 Juwana include chopped, minced Rembang include 500, 300 includes Pajangkungan chopped, minced Lasem include 2900, 3000 includes Tubah chopped , 3000 Sedayu include chopped, minced Lamongan include 1000, 2800 include chopped Gresik, Surabaya include 6000 count, Pasuruan and Bangil include 3000 count, Banyuwangi and covers 10,080 Blambangan minced, and covering 18,000 Madurese chopped.
Great Binathara.
The concept of power of Java that provides recognition that the king's great power like the power of god. Sultan Palace is a cosmic country, namely the kingdom which was closely related to the concept of god is king, or king of the gods incarnation. This concept of the Islamic empire in the period did not put the king in the same position with God, but as Kalifatullah (representative of God in the world). In a society that embraced Religious systems, business association of the king with God, is a powerful tool in creating the people's loyalty to the king.
When seen passing, the concept of absolute power. But besides this Binathara Great, well balanced concept of other powers to compensate, the shoulder dhendha nyakrawati, take LEKSANA virtuous, and ambeg fair paramarta (legal guardian and the ruler of the world, overflowing luhurnya mind, and be fair to others). See dhendha Nyakrawati shoulder, take LEKSANA virtuous, and ambeg fair paramarta.
King of the Great Binathara has three kinds of revelation, the revelation nubuah (revelations that put the king as the representative of God); kukumah revelation (the revelation that puts the king as a source of law with authority murbamisesa, which means control and act with violence), and the revelation of the region (revelation which gives pandam pangauban, namely membeir information and protection to its citizens). binathara great king knew several levels. A king called the Queen of Main Binathara, if the king truly virtuous conduct and carry ambeg LEKSANA paramarta fair. If this darma less attention, then he is classified at the senior level. And if the government had violated darma it, classify it in nistha level (low, mean). Meanwhile, according Witaradya fibers, the main character's queen binathara included in pratama penta (five main thing), namely: mulat (introspective and cautious), amilala (maintain good), amiluta (to do something for others like him), miladharma (execute darma to achieve inner satisfaction), and parimarma (like compassion and forgiveness).
Keagungbinathara doctrine teaches that the king should always build a kingdom, that kingdom into the highest political center. In short the reign of King of Java, according to the power indicated by:
1. Kingdom vast
2. The area of the conquests and dipersembahkannya tribute.
3. Loyalty of subordinates is realized in pasowanan on certain days.
4. Royal ceremonial festivity and equipment very much.
5. Large numbers of soldiers with all kinds of equipment.
6. Wealth owned by the king, and the titles disandangnya
7. The entire power centered on the King.
Dhendha Nyakrawati shoulder.
The concept of the power of Java say that the king has the power (dhendha shoulder) as the ruler of the world (Nyakrawati). In the eyes of his people, the king has absolute power in all things, including ground water in its territory, population, and the natural riches contained therein. Here the king's power was absolute, and absolute, because the ruler of the world, the King is the legislator, executor of the shrimps, and act as a judge. Therefore, there should be a rule of conduct to keep up, which was brought LEKSANA mind, ambeg fair pramarta. Tipa creating an ideal king by the Javanese concept of power (see Ber mind and take Ambeg Fair LEKSANA Paramarta).
Bring LEKSANA was Budi.
The concept of the power of Java that contains an explanation of how a king should compensate for the Great Binathara power dhendha nyakrawati shoulder. Mentioned that a king has to mind, meaning that mind as if it should continue until the full flow (from the overflow = to). While carrying LEKSANA, meaning that a king must hold fast to his words and act wisely, so that balance can be achieved in his administration.
Ambeg Fair Paramarta.
The doctrine in the Javanese concept of power which contains an explanation for a king in the absolute power balance (Binathara Great shoulder dhendha nyakrawati). Called that a king must ambeg fair paramarta, which is being fair to all beings and to be generous (have compassion). The king as the supreme authority and the center of all power in the job, if it can act fairly and wisely, then the power will be felt menganyomi people. Fiber in the Black-alapan Drusilawati, said that so many services and kedemawanannya King, so in accordance with the power he held.
The word comes from the sultan sulthonun Arabic meaning a rule or a leader. Sultan is the highest authority in the Palace of Yogyakarta, with a degree Sampeyan Sinuwun ingkang Kanjeng Dalem Sultan Hamengku Buwana Ingalaga Ngabdurakhman Senapati Sajidin ingkang Kalifatullah Panatagama Jumeneng Kaping ... .. (in order of the numbers ....). Sultan of Yogyakarta Palace run by the concept keagungbinatharaan power, which in essence is the recognition that the reign of King's great binathara, shoulder dhendha nyakrawati, virtuous take LEKSANA, ambeg fair paramarta (big power like the power of gods, keepers of law and ruling the world, overflowing nobility noble, and be fair to each other). See title of King.
Name of listed buildings in the neighborhood of Yogyakarta Palace, which forms the building REGOL (the gate) mosque west of the north plaza. Joglo shaped building but did not use the four pillars, as the buffer used and the brick wall right in the middle given the door.
According to the myth contained in the form of building selokapatra fiber semartinandhu created by ancient Javanese poet at the pleasure of the king Brawijaya. Making this building was intended as a sign that the king left the old religion and turned to the religion of Islam. Also the meaning of this building is also a reminder to all those who passed to always choose the right path.
Bird, Symbolic Meaning.
Bird is a symbol the world over, the symbol of the spirit world who have died. In Hindu mythology, the bird known as a vehicle of the gods, such as a vehicle for a bird Garuda Wisnu, the god of war Skanda rides a peacock, and Ruth goddess rides a parrot.
Bird decoration, used as a symbol in the sengkalan Memet. Sengkalan data using the bird word is in the bathhouse Castle. This symbol indicates burng pleasure, because the Castle serves as a place for recreation king. If the bird is connected with the vehicle goddess Ruth (the goddess of love) also contains the meaning of pleasure.
Leech, Symbolic Meaning.
Leeches are water animals which like to suck blood. Water symbolizes where he lived fertility. Thus, the leech is considered as a symbol of fertility, and how to eat a sucking leeches symbolizing prosperity. In the leech sengkalan said only occurred in Yogyakarta Palace. And according to the place, then the leeches symbolizes fertility and prosperity in the region of Yogyakarta.
Bees, Symbolic Meaning.
Bees are beneficial insects that are used as a symbol of goodness. This is also true of the Islamic holy book. Letter Qur'an An-Nahl verses 68-69 which says that bees are good animals because if the nest is not damaged they occupy, eating good food, help pollination, and honey out of many benefits. Because the people of Yogyakarta are influenced by culture and Islamic religion, then according to the Qur'an An-Nahl these letters, the bees used as a symbol of goodness. In sengkalan in Yogyakarta Palace, the bee symbolized the kingdom will always consider the interests of the people and will not make people suffer.
The spider, Symbolic Meaning.
The spider is an animal species that live insects in the air or ground. This insect makes its nest in a way to knit. This nest was also used as a trap prey. Because spiders are animals that live in the air, the animal is connected with the world of the spirit world. Sengkalan who use the word spider found in the tomb complex Kotagede. This meant that places like sengkalan given this is where people who have died, and cobwebs symbolize the connecting road between natural mortality and the afterlife.
Shrimp, Symbolic Meaning.
Shrimp is the animal species dekapoden (decapod). Shrimp described rebuild. Thick shells did not come grow with his body, when the body grows larger, the skin becomes so narrow that will be torn from the top. Then for a while shrimp is not fair, and to protect himself from danger, shrimp hiding between rocks. After some time in hiding, shrimp will come out with a new skin.
Sengkalan who use the word shrimp found in the tomb complex Imogiri. Symbols shrimp dikompleks tomb symbolizes that man after death, will be at the Day of Resurrection will be awakened again.
Dragon, Symbolic Meaning.
Dragon is a kind of snake animals found only in myth. In the mythology of India mentioned that the ancient people believed about the existence of a certain strength about the origins of the creation of the world. Mentioned that the serpent (Naga and Nagini) has the power to drain water from rivers, lakes, and oceans for the prosperity, happiness, health and long life of all beings-beings that the snake is considered as a symbol of prosperity.
Sengkalan who use the word Dragon numerous in Yogyakarta Palace. This dragon symbolizes that the king is one who is expected to maintain the world to become fertile and the people become prosperous.
Lizard, Symbolic Meaning.
Lizard type animals, but it was bigger. There is a kind of belief that ancestral spirits can be infused in these animals. There is also believed that the lizard is the embodiment of god word found on Komodo sengkalan in Yogyakarta Palace and the tomb Kotagede. Komodo symbols contained in Yogyakarta Palace. While buried Kotagede lizard symbol symbolizes that spirit that possessed by their ancestors who had been buried can be infused in the generation of successors.
Elephants, Symbolic Meaning.
Large animals are used as a vehicle. Therefore considered to represent a vehicle elephants, both vehicles to go to war and bring the vehicle to the afterlife.
In the Hindu mythology, the god Indra has a vehicle in the form of an elephant named Airawata. Indra is the king of the gods who guarded the east, where the rising of the sun which is the source of all power. So, the elephant used as a symbol of the god Indra who has the source of all power. Elephants in the Hindu mitodologi originally had wings, which are friends with the clouds, and he could ask for rain in these clouds, so that the elephants used as a symbol of fertility. However, because one day the elephant made a mistake, the gods take wing until now.
Said the elephant is on sengkalan contained in the Yogyakarta Palace Kotagede tomb complex. Elephant symbol represents the Yogyakarta Sultan Palace and the king's own land is a fertile source of all powers that are able to resist evil. Meanwhile, the elephant symbol on the tomb complex symbolizes Kotagede vehicle carrying the spirits of the dead to go to the afterlife.
What is meant by tendrils Bosch not handle, but the roots stay beratai flowers wrapped around in the mud under the water. At the root of the growing living books or sections, and in these segments grow leaves and flower stalks. Segments of the roots of living is what primarily has meaning as a symbol of fertility. Form tendrils of plants are used in sengkalan contained in Yogyakarta Palace which is a symbol of fertility Yogyakarta area.
Leaf, Symbolic Meaning.
Leaf is a symbol of fertility. This is because in everyday circumstances, if the plant has issued a shoot or leaf, then showed signs of life. Leaves contained in the Yogyakarta Palace sengkalan symbolizes fertility Yogyakarta area of life can be prosperous people.
Flowers, Symbolic Meaning.
Common interest is used as a symbolic lotus flower (the flower Papma). Lotus flower as a symbol of consciousness rays, rays of science, and philosophy to achieve holiness. In Hindu mythology, the lotus flower is considered as the home Lord Sri thus symbolizing fertility. In addition lotus also symbolizes the water and its creation. Lotus flower in the Yogyakarta Palace sengkalan symbolizing fertility and intelligence as well as the sanctity of its leader, the sultan.
Trident, symbol weapons.
Bemrata three spears, a weapon Lord Shiva. Trident became the symbol of Shiva one of the three functions that represents the god as a creator, maintenance, and the destroyer, or function Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas. Sengkalan trident symbols contained in the Yogyakarta Palace symbolizes that the king as a creator of prosperity, fertility and maintenance of combat crime in the earth.
Arrow, Symbols weapons.
In the Hindu mythology, the arrow is one of the weapons owned by the god Indra, in addition to lightning and great fishing. An arc is a rainbow god Indra. Lord Indra is the personification of the Shang Hyang Widhi as ruler of the atmosphere mengarus weather, rain shower, and give fertility. The main enemy is drought and bad air. Therefore Indra is considered as a symbol of fertility.
Sengkalan using arrows symbol located in Yogyakarta Palace, the tomb of Imogiri, and the tomb Kotagede.
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Gayam, Tree.
Palace environment, Gayam trees planted in the road to Siti Hinggil, Tratag Cultural south, amounting to 6 trees, and each of the three trees on the west side and east.
Gayam word in Javanese language means nggayuh or achieve something, while wood tree symbolizes the soul gayam pastor. This meant that people have a desire to find a way of life virtue, grace and blessings expect from the Sultan. The sixth tree in the middle of the countdown to being the seventh. The number seven here symbolizes the character of a perfect pastor knowledge, holiness, goodness, and lead to clear my mind to achieve salvation. For a servant who wants to see the king Siti Hinggil, then he must have the same character with a lofty meaning gayam tree, which the priest character.
Besides regarded as a sacred tree, the tree gayam can also be used as an upset stomach and diarrhea, by taking skin incense mixed with honey, fennel pulawaras, and the heart of banana. Then the materials ground, given water and drink. In the fiber saloka patra, told about the beginning gayam tree can be used as a drug, because this tree is an incarnation of the sacred sage and have immunity. Therefore environmental planted Sultan Palace.
Soka, Tree.
Trees planted by environmental Soka Yogyakarta Palace at the pleasure of the Sultan, because soka trees have medicinal benefits, namely drugs coming months too late. The way is by taking the tree bark, young leaves, and flowers pulawaras mixed with fennel, a little salt, then ground and drunk. After drinking this potion will usually come in smoothly again.
Blimbing wuluh. Tree.
Yogyakarta Palace environmental planted at the pleasure of the Sultan, because wuluh starfruit leaves can be used as a drug. Wuluh Blimbing leaves used to make pilis commonly used by women after childbirth, which Khasiatnya for eye health.
Wuluh star fruit tree planted in the back of Siti Hinggil. This implies that all the servants and the people respect the word or words of his king. It also symbolizes that a woman's place in the back. Flowers belimbing wuluh (virtual) form small, so that from afar seem vague. This symbolizes the sultan, who was sitting on the Throne Siti Hinggil will only dimly visible from the outside Siti Hinggil.
Kambil Gadhing. Tree.
Kalmbil gadhing tree or planted gadhing heads in the neighborhood Yogyakarta Palace at the pleasure of the sovereign, because it has medicinal benefits. Water from young coconuts gadhing (Cengkir gadhing) can be used to crowbar navel drug to treat infants and smallpox scars in children.
Head gadhing also planted beside the palace as a decoration, its meaning as a symbol of the sovereign's will to all who see it, so have a clear mind, pure, straight and hope for such longevity gadhing of coconut trees that are not branched.
Gadhing young coconuts (Cengkir gadhing) has the meaning of goodness and blessings application safety. Leaf head gadhing young yellow (young coconut leaf) represents the clarity of mind. Therefore Cengkir gadhing and young coconut leaf used as a complement for it Tarub and twin to the ceremony Virgin perkawainan and tingkeban.
Kemuning. Tree.
Planted in the palace with the intention of the environment taken its meaning. So its function myrtle tree to remind people to always do good. In salokapatra fiber, the myrtle trees planted one in the back Siti Hinggil, likened to a woman as pendaping man, who was behind its place and is regarded as a secret power, so as not to be always displayed in front.
Therefore this tree is also regarded as a symbol of purity and clarity in thought, then this tree is widely used in wedding ceremonies. Myrtle leaves mixed with pandan leaves, Intersection dribbles and rice, are used to make herbal treatment for the bride. With the expectation that brides wear scrubs, his face will look radiant and beautiful. Myrtle leaves are also used to complement Tarub the marriage ceremony, which meant that the couple always lived the good in his new life's journey.
Kuweni, Tree.
Planted behind Siti Hinggil Yogyakarta Palace at the pleasure of the king to take its meaning. Kuweni tree is likened to a woman in seclusion, his place behind and slightly away from Siti Hinggil. Fruit kuweni only good if eaten alone, because it does not deserve to entertain others. That is, that the wife and she was good for the individual, but not good when used as treats or meals for someone else.
Kecendhul, Tree.
Kepel or remote, is a tree as a symbol of strength. This means the holder of the people, beg mercy and reward from the sultan, in order to be accepted to serve. While a remote Kepel implies the king to plead for blessings and protection. Kepel said that the human hand that describes the willingness to work and try. While the remote has two meanings, namely a significant black stone dusk, and the white stone or a light lunch meaningful. What the word meant Kepel firmly holding something, and that is the remote is basic, so the watu Kepel symbol is meant to command and rule the king stay strong forever.
Cashew Darsana, Tree.
Darsana cashew trees planted in Yogyakarta Palace environment as a symbol of strength. Guava intended meaning of the word as something that has the power, and the word Darsana or imply dresana example or model. So Darsana guava tree is intended as a symbol of strength for the king. This power is realized with the number of the courtiers who sowan (facing) the king of Siti Hinggil to provide service.
Darsana umlah guava tree is planted amounted to 6 sticks, 3 sticks planted in the right row and 3rd row bar on the left, symbolizing the three teachings of Java, namely Titi, Titis and Surti. And in order not to face many obstacles, must always remember the adage that says Java Javanese proverb that says nistha (shame), middle (enough) and all (more or greedy). Proverb has a live feed that people should not do anything embarrassing, do not go overboard, but live moderation and always be careful in acting. In addition, the number of rows of trees 3 also intended as a status position, namely ngisor (below), middle (middle) and ndhuwur (above). This means that the higher the position and increasing the age a person should be more wise that he can achieve prosperous life.
PAKEL, Tree.
Trees planted in the neighborhood PAKEL Yogyakarta Palace at the pleasure of the king to take its meaning. PAKEL fruit ripe when eaten will taste good. This likens that all the people in helping the kingdom to be firm and mature wisdom in order to reach safety together. But before this PAKEL eat fruit should be cleaned first resin, because the sap can cause fruit PAKEL itching of the skin when the body. This implies that humans must get rid of all bad thoughts and make a determination that the net can reach salvation.
Cape, Trees.
Planted in the four corners of the ward or the ward Maniti Yogyakarta Palace Keben will of the sovereign atsa. Fourth position this promontory of trees like the courtiers who were facing the sovereign, which place a corner point with the midpoint between gilang where the king's throne is located. Tree likened to a cape which has duties and obligations that must be implemented carefully and regularly so that it will achieve some good.
Curse floating about.
The name of an existing building environment Yogyakarta Palace. In the Java language, the curse is the name of one type of freshwater fish, and said float means floating, floating or submerged in water. The meaning of the curse of float building, ie when to serve the king must complete, should not hesitate (floating) and must have the inner and outer stability.
Coat Hanging Lowahan.
The name of an existing building within the Palace, which is in the Hall of Great or Festival. The significance of this building form, meaning that humans depend on the will of Almighty God, but people should try and implement his orders.
Klabang Nyander.
Name of listed buildings within the sultan's palace, which is in the Hall of Great or performances. Klabang is a reptile species that have a can or poison, while nyander is doing. Toxins (can) represent people who do not obey the order of the kingdom must be pursued by the mob and the law officers, and the wrong people would be punished.
Trajumas, Arti Building Form.
The name of the building located at Yogyakarta Palace, which is in Ward or wards Traju Trajumas Kencana. Ward name is taken from the name of the building, which is trajumas. Word meaning traju or weighing scales, while the mas or golden sacred meaning clear and no one. Meaning if the sultan was sitting in this ward, are expected to clean the sacred heart that everything he said was always right. Because of this ward is used to lift the grand vizier, so it was expected that the sultan was not wrong in lifting the grand vizier.
Is the core or center of the Mataram kingdom in the territorial division. The term comes from the word kuthagara Kutha and state (city-state or capital). Kuthagara area is often called Narawita area, from the tower, which means people, or Suwita wita which means to serve, so Narawita is where the people who serve, ie the land owned by the king or kroondomein. This area is located in the palace, where the king with his family and several other high officials lived palace. Territorial division of the Mataram kingdom which was also used as the Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace. Kuthagara Region of Yogyakarta Palace was the center of the royal government. And that includes the area of Yogyakarta Palace kuthagara today is more or less the municipality of Yogyakarta.
Area around (commelanden) kuthagara. Regional State Supreme State also called Gede, still including the core areas of the kingdom, because in this region are mainly appanage (apanagegronden) from the royal palace and the high officials of other areas reside in kuthagara. About this Great State area originally consisted of only 4 parts, namely the Earth, the Sitisewu, Siti-Ageng (Earth Gedhe), and Panumping. According Rouffaer, year 1744 (at age Pakubuwono II) mentioned that the four parts of the area of each then split into two parts again, so the 8 regions. But according to the King Library Puwara fiber, division of the territory of the Great into eight regions have actually existed at the time of Sultan Agung. Eighth State of the Court consists of:
1. Regional Earth (Kedu area, west side of the river Progo) which includes 6000 count (work or shoulder).
2. Bumija (Kedu region east of the river Progo) which includes chopped 6000.
3. Siti-Ageng kiwa (left side of the road Pajai-Demak), which covers 10,000 count.
4. Siti-Ageng Tengen (the right side of the road Pajang-Demak), which covers 10,000 count.
5. Sewu (in Bagelen, between the river until the river Bagawanta Donan, Cilacap), which includes chopped 6000.
6. Numbak-Anyar (area between the river and Progo Bagawanta) which includes chopped 6000.
7. Panumping (Sukowati area) covering 10,000 count.
8. Panekar (Pajai area) covering 10,000 count.
State-Ageng area divided into several lungguh, plot, and its inhabitants, with a prince or a royal palace tingngi officials authorized to levy taxes in kind on behalf Sulta, so they called the submission. A submissive is not allowed to stay in the ground lungguhnya, but must in order kuthagara sultan could watch him. Each has a representative who dutifully called jacks to levy taxes on kebekelannya environment. Once a year at first, but after 1830 into two times a year after each harvest. Jacks submit this tax to the submissive, and obedient surrender to the Sultan's treasurer's office after dikurangni what they are entitled.
Great State Region is divided into several districts, each ruled by a regent of Police, which has the main task of enforcing the law and order, but it was not for the purpose of population welfare. Regent does not have a representative in the region, and therefore must be able to cooperate with jacks in his job. Included in the State Court of Yogyakarta Palace, at the present moment is more or less the entire region of Yogyakarta Special Region.
Regional areas outside the Great State, but not including pasisiran area. Foreign countries in the region is almost no appanages of noblemen Palace but at certain times (at least at every Garebeg Mulud must submit tax (tribute) to the palace, so that the region headed by Worldwide regents are often referred to as Siti Dalem Pamaosan. terbati Worldwide Region into two parts, namely Kulon and Worldwide Worldwide Wetan. Puwara Fiber King Library (at the time of Pakubuwono II) mentions, that the Worldwide area is as follows:
1. Worldwide Kulon area: namely, Banyumas, Banjar, Sand (Purwakarta), and 5000 covering ngayah count, which includes Kalibeber count 450, Rome (Karanganyar) which includes 800 mince; Karangbolong which includes 400 count, Merden (east of Banyumas) which includes 400 count, Conference, Tersana, and 300 covering Karencang mince; Bobotsari and Kartanegara covering 100 mince; siyu Lebak and Bala-home that includes 102 count, and Dayuluhur Bentar and that includes 600 count.
2. Worldwide Wetan area, which includes 16,000 who Panaraga mince; 4000 Kadiri including mince; Madison covering 16,000 mince; 1000 Pacitan including mince; Kaduwang include 1500 count; Magetan include 1000 count; CARUBAN includes 500 count; Pace 300 includes chopped; KERSANA includes 600 count; Sarengat and Blitar include 1000 count; Jipang include 8000 count; 5000 Grobogan include mince; 3000 Public include chopped; Sela includes 500 count; Blora 3000 includes chopped; Slough (Tulungagung) 800 includes mince; Kalangbret include chopped 600; Japan (Majakerta) includes 600 mince; Wirasaba (Majaagung) 1000 includes mince; Barebeg includes 400 works, and covers 1500 Jagaraga chopped.
At this present moment Worldwide Yogyakarta region, namely the area of State land outside the Great, approximately Panaraga area to the east and west regions Purworejo.
Regional foreign formally kerjaaan part, but the sultan did not allow the prince has appanage in this area. So regents indicated to run the government in this wilauah under direct supervision and guidance of the meek. Regent is also obliged to face the sovereign three times between the sovereign with the Netherlands government resulted in the loss of the entire Worldwide Yogyakarta, because this region together with the former Dutch East Indies, and for that the Dutch Government has agreed to pay annual compensation in the form of money to the sultan.
Pesisiran area is divided into two parts, namely Kulon Coastal or Coastal Kilen Demak covering an area to the west, and Coastal Wetan roughly covers the area east of Jepara. Fiber Purawa King Library (at the time of Pakubuwono II) states that pesisiran area consists of:
1. Kulon Coastal or Coastal Kilen, which covers 8000 Pekalongan chopped, Brebes, Bentar, and that includes Lebaksiyu mince 3040, 4000 Tegal including chopped, minced Pemalang include 2000, 2000 includes chopped stems, minced Kendal covering 2300 and 6000 covering Demak count.
2. Coastal Wetan, namely: the covering 4000 Jepara chopped, minced Ghost include 1000, framelike device 700 includes chopped, minced Pati include 4000, 1000 Juwana include chopped, minced Rembang include 500, 300 includes Pajangkungan chopped, minced Lasem include 2900, 3000 includes Tubah chopped , 3000 Sedayu include chopped, minced Lamongan include 1000, 2800 include chopped Gresik, Surabaya include 6000 count, Pasuruan and Bangil include 3000 count, Banyuwangi and covers 10,080 Blambangan minced, and covering 18,000 Madurese chopped.
Great Binathara.
The concept of power of Java that provides recognition that the king's great power like the power of god. Sultan Palace is a cosmic country, namely the kingdom which was closely related to the concept of god is king, or king of the gods incarnation. This concept of the Islamic empire in the period did not put the king in the same position with God, but as Kalifatullah (representative of God in the world). In a society that embraced Religious systems, business association of the king with God, is a powerful tool in creating the people's loyalty to the king.
When seen passing, the concept of absolute power. But besides this Binathara Great, well balanced concept of other powers to compensate, the shoulder dhendha nyakrawati, take LEKSANA virtuous, and ambeg fair paramarta (legal guardian and the ruler of the world, overflowing luhurnya mind, and be fair to others). See dhendha Nyakrawati shoulder, take LEKSANA virtuous, and ambeg fair paramarta.
King of the Great Binathara has three kinds of revelation, the revelation nubuah (revelations that put the king as the representative of God); kukumah revelation (the revelation that puts the king as a source of law with authority murbamisesa, which means control and act with violence), and the revelation of the region (revelation which gives pandam pangauban, namely membeir information and protection to its citizens). binathara great king knew several levels. A king called the Queen of Main Binathara, if the king truly virtuous conduct and carry ambeg LEKSANA paramarta fair. If this darma less attention, then he is classified at the senior level. And if the government had violated darma it, classify it in nistha level (low, mean). Meanwhile, according Witaradya fibers, the main character's queen binathara included in pratama penta (five main thing), namely: mulat (introspective and cautious), amilala (maintain good), amiluta (to do something for others like him), miladharma (execute darma to achieve inner satisfaction), and parimarma (like compassion and forgiveness).
Keagungbinathara doctrine teaches that the king should always build a kingdom, that kingdom into the highest political center. In short the reign of King of Java, according to the power indicated by:
1. Kingdom vast
2. The area of the conquests and dipersembahkannya tribute.
3. Loyalty of subordinates is realized in pasowanan on certain days.
4. Royal ceremonial festivity and equipment very much.
5. Large numbers of soldiers with all kinds of equipment.
6. Wealth owned by the king, and the titles disandangnya
7. The entire power centered on the King.
Dhendha Nyakrawati shoulder.
The concept of the power of Java say that the king has the power (dhendha shoulder) as the ruler of the world (Nyakrawati). In the eyes of his people, the king has absolute power in all things, including ground water in its territory, population, and the natural riches contained therein. Here the king's power was absolute, and absolute, because the ruler of the world, the King is the legislator, executor of the shrimps, and act as a judge. Therefore, there should be a rule of conduct to keep up, which was brought LEKSANA mind, ambeg fair pramarta. Tipa creating an ideal king by the Javanese concept of power (see Ber mind and take Ambeg Fair LEKSANA Paramarta).
Bring LEKSANA was Budi.
The concept of the power of Java that contains an explanation of how a king should compensate for the Great Binathara power dhendha nyakrawati shoulder. Mentioned that a king has to mind, meaning that mind as if it should continue until the full flow (from the overflow = to). While carrying LEKSANA, meaning that a king must hold fast to his words and act wisely, so that balance can be achieved in his administration.
Ambeg Fair Paramarta.
The doctrine in the Javanese concept of power which contains an explanation for a king in the absolute power balance (Binathara Great shoulder dhendha nyakrawati). Called that a king must ambeg fair paramarta, which is being fair to all beings and to be generous (have compassion). The king as the supreme authority and the center of all power in the job, if it can act fairly and wisely, then the power will be felt menganyomi people. Fiber in the Black-alapan Drusilawati, said that so many services and kedemawanannya King, so in accordance with the power he held.
The word comes from the sultan sulthonun Arabic meaning a rule or a leader. Sultan is the highest authority in the Palace of Yogyakarta, with a degree Sampeyan Sinuwun ingkang Kanjeng Dalem Sultan Hamengku Buwana Ingalaga Ngabdurakhman Senapati Sajidin ingkang Kalifatullah Panatagama Jumeneng Kaping ... .. (in order of the numbers ....). Sultan of Yogyakarta Palace run by the concept keagungbinatharaan power, which in essence is the recognition that the reign of King's great binathara, shoulder dhendha nyakrawati, virtuous take LEKSANA, ambeg fair paramarta (big power like the power of gods, keepers of law and ruling the world, overflowing nobility noble, and be fair to each other). See title of King.
Name of listed buildings in the neighborhood of Yogyakarta Palace, which forms the building REGOL (the gate) mosque west of the north plaza. Joglo shaped building but did not use the four pillars, as the buffer used and the brick wall right in the middle given the door.
According to the myth contained in the form of building selokapatra fiber semartinandhu created by ancient Javanese poet at the pleasure of the king Brawijaya. Making this building was intended as a sign that the king left the old religion and turned to the religion of Islam. Also the meaning of this building is also a reminder to all those who passed to always choose the right path.
Bird, Symbolic Meaning.
Bird is a symbol the world over, the symbol of the spirit world who have died. In Hindu mythology, the bird known as a vehicle of the gods, such as a vehicle for a bird Garuda Wisnu, the god of war Skanda rides a peacock, and Ruth goddess rides a parrot.
Bird decoration, used as a symbol in the sengkalan Memet. Sengkalan data using the bird word is in the bathhouse Castle. This symbol indicates burng pleasure, because the Castle serves as a place for recreation king. If the bird is connected with the vehicle goddess Ruth (the goddess of love) also contains the meaning of pleasure.
Leech, Symbolic Meaning.
Leeches are water animals which like to suck blood. Water symbolizes where he lived fertility. Thus, the leech is considered as a symbol of fertility, and how to eat a sucking leeches symbolizing prosperity. In the leech sengkalan said only occurred in Yogyakarta Palace. And according to the place, then the leeches symbolizes fertility and prosperity in the region of Yogyakarta.
Bees, Symbolic Meaning.
Bees are beneficial insects that are used as a symbol of goodness. This is also true of the Islamic holy book. Letter Qur'an An-Nahl verses 68-69 which says that bees are good animals because if the nest is not damaged they occupy, eating good food, help pollination, and honey out of many benefits. Because the people of Yogyakarta are influenced by culture and Islamic religion, then according to the Qur'an An-Nahl these letters, the bees used as a symbol of goodness. In sengkalan in Yogyakarta Palace, the bee symbolized the kingdom will always consider the interests of the people and will not make people suffer.
The spider, Symbolic Meaning.
The spider is an animal species that live insects in the air or ground. This insect makes its nest in a way to knit. This nest was also used as a trap prey. Because spiders are animals that live in the air, the animal is connected with the world of the spirit world. Sengkalan who use the word spider found in the tomb complex Kotagede. This meant that places like sengkalan given this is where people who have died, and cobwebs symbolize the connecting road between natural mortality and the afterlife.
Shrimp, Symbolic Meaning.
Shrimp is the animal species dekapoden (decapod). Shrimp described rebuild. Thick shells did not come grow with his body, when the body grows larger, the skin becomes so narrow that will be torn from the top. Then for a while shrimp is not fair, and to protect himself from danger, shrimp hiding between rocks. After some time in hiding, shrimp will come out with a new skin.
Sengkalan who use the word shrimp found in the tomb complex Imogiri. Symbols shrimp dikompleks tomb symbolizes that man after death, will be at the Day of Resurrection will be awakened again.
Dragon, Symbolic Meaning.
Dragon is a kind of snake animals found only in myth. In the mythology of India mentioned that the ancient people believed about the existence of a certain strength about the origins of the creation of the world. Mentioned that the serpent (Naga and Nagini) has the power to drain water from rivers, lakes, and oceans for the prosperity, happiness, health and long life of all beings-beings that the snake is considered as a symbol of prosperity.
Sengkalan who use the word Dragon numerous in Yogyakarta Palace. This dragon symbolizes that the king is one who is expected to maintain the world to become fertile and the people become prosperous.
Lizard, Symbolic Meaning.
Lizard type animals, but it was bigger. There is a kind of belief that ancestral spirits can be infused in these animals. There is also believed that the lizard is the embodiment of god word found on Komodo sengkalan in Yogyakarta Palace and the tomb Kotagede. Komodo symbols contained in Yogyakarta Palace. While buried Kotagede lizard symbol symbolizes that spirit that possessed by their ancestors who had been buried can be infused in the generation of successors.
Elephants, Symbolic Meaning.
Large animals are used as a vehicle. Therefore considered to represent a vehicle elephants, both vehicles to go to war and bring the vehicle to the afterlife.
In the Hindu mythology, the god Indra has a vehicle in the form of an elephant named Airawata. Indra is the king of the gods who guarded the east, where the rising of the sun which is the source of all power. So, the elephant used as a symbol of the god Indra who has the source of all power. Elephants in the Hindu mitodologi originally had wings, which are friends with the clouds, and he could ask for rain in these clouds, so that the elephants used as a symbol of fertility. However, because one day the elephant made a mistake, the gods take wing until now.
Said the elephant is on sengkalan contained in the Yogyakarta Palace Kotagede tomb complex. Elephant symbol represents the Yogyakarta Sultan Palace and the king's own land is a fertile source of all powers that are able to resist evil. Meanwhile, the elephant symbol on the tomb complex symbolizes Kotagede vehicle carrying the spirits of the dead to go to the afterlife.
What is meant by tendrils Bosch not handle, but the roots stay beratai flowers wrapped around in the mud under the water. At the root of the growing living books or sections, and in these segments grow leaves and flower stalks. Segments of the roots of living is what primarily has meaning as a symbol of fertility. Form tendrils of plants are used in sengkalan contained in Yogyakarta Palace which is a symbol of fertility Yogyakarta area.
Leaf, Symbolic Meaning.
Leaf is a symbol of fertility. This is because in everyday circumstances, if the plant has issued a shoot or leaf, then showed signs of life. Leaves contained in the Yogyakarta Palace sengkalan symbolizes fertility Yogyakarta area of life can be prosperous people.
Flowers, Symbolic Meaning.
Common interest is used as a symbolic lotus flower (the flower Papma). Lotus flower as a symbol of consciousness rays, rays of science, and philosophy to achieve holiness. In Hindu mythology, the lotus flower is considered as the home Lord Sri thus symbolizing fertility. In addition lotus also symbolizes the water and its creation. Lotus flower in the Yogyakarta Palace sengkalan symbolizing fertility and intelligence as well as the sanctity of its leader, the sultan.
Trident, symbol weapons.
Bemrata three spears, a weapon Lord Shiva. Trident became the symbol of Shiva one of the three functions that represents the god as a creator, maintenance, and the destroyer, or function Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas. Sengkalan trident symbols contained in the Yogyakarta Palace symbolizes that the king as a creator of prosperity, fertility and maintenance of combat crime in the earth.
Arrow, Symbols weapons.
In the Hindu mythology, the arrow is one of the weapons owned by the god Indra, in addition to lightning and great fishing. An arc is a rainbow god Indra. Lord Indra is the personification of the Shang Hyang Widhi as ruler of the atmosphere mengarus weather, rain shower, and give fertility. The main enemy is drought and bad air. Therefore Indra is considered as a symbol of fertility.
Sengkalan using arrows symbol located in Yogyakarta Palace, the tomb of Imogiri, and the tomb Kotagede.
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