We've seen Android running on the Nokia N810 before, but it's never been as easy as it is now for everyone (even Linux dummies like me!) to get it working on their own Internet Tablets. While the original method certainly wasn't for the faint of heart, the newly developed Android Installer (released July 1) makes putting a very functional Android onto Diablo-running N810s as quick and easy as installing an application.
The first thing you need to do is download and save the android.img.bz2 image file on the N810 (internal memory or miniSD card; 110MB free space required).
Then download, save, and install the android-installer.deb file (Settings -> Application manager -> Install from file).
Reboot the device and launch Android through the Extras menu.
Ta-dah! This fantastic Android port includes a working touchscreen, fully functional browser, contact integration, maps, and some developer tools.
The only way I've been able to close Android, though, has been to reboot the N810. I seriously can't find the exit button/command. Anyone know where it is?
[ITT via Random Musings (thanks, Martin!)]
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